Meccano Newsletters & Associations


The following newsletters are being published nowadays. Many of these are the journals of a particular Meccano association, club or guild.

Canadian MeccaNotes, ISSN 1207-2249, is published by the:
Canadian Modeling Association for Meccano & Allied Systems (CMAMAS)

The CMAMAS newsletter "Canadan MeccaNotes" is the primary communications vehicle for Canadian Meccano enthusiasts. It is published 3 times per year (March, July & November).

For more details, as well as a list of articles in recent issues and an event listing see the CMAMAS website.

Quebec Meccano Club

Pour les gens francais.

B.C. Meccano Modellers

The BCMM is a small group of hobbyists located in the Vancouver B.C. area. Our club is operated by members who formed the group in 2014 because we all have the common interest and are currently active in building models with Meccano. We are basically modellers who get together to share our interests and experiences.

Constructor Quarterly, c/o Robin Johnson, 17 Ryegate Road, Crosspool, Sheffield S10 5FA, ENGLAND. Robin has e-mail:

This is the fanciest and consequently the most expensive newsletter. It's also the best!

On the right is a sample colour cover of a past issue. Click on the image to see an enlarged illustration. Recent issues have comprised 56 pages, printed on high quality glossy paper with heavy covers. Several new models are published in each issue complete with many high quality coloured illustrations.

CQ also publishes special publications, e.g. "Zkwyx Meccanaut" which is a collection of Bernard Perier's novelty model plans.

CQ's website is at

The Meccanoman's Newsmag, is produced by the North Midlands Meccano Guild, 37 Park Avenue, Skegness, Lincs PE25 2TF, ENGLAND. Non-members should contact MW Models for subscriptions.

The above newsetter contains all sorts of Meccano news from England. It's one of my favorites due to it's practical advice, new models and regular references to Meccano history.

Their website is at

The Sheffield Meccano Guild used to have a website, but its gone.

However past magazines are available at

The Midlands Meccano Guild has a website at

The North Eastern Meccano Society (NEMS) has a website at

The Telford and Ironbridge Meccano Society (TiMS) has a website at

The West London Meccano Society (WLMS) has a website at

The North East London Meccano Club (NELMEC) has a website at

The South East London Meccano Club (SELMEC) has a website at

The Meccano Society of Scotland have their website at:

New Zealand Federation of Meccano Modellers.

This newsletter has Meccano news from New Zealand.

Their website is at

Amateure fur Metallmodellbau in der Schweiz, (AMS), Switzerland.

The AMS Bulletin has Meccano news from Switzerland. It is published in German.

Their website is at

Le Club des Amis du Meccano (CAM France) publishes a newsletter in French. Their website is at

The Dutch Meccano Guilde publishes a newsletter in Dutch. Their website is at

The Italian Meccano Club (GAMM) publishes a newsletter in Italian.

Their website is at and has lots of wonderful photos.

Club Meccano de Catalunya (Penya del Cargolet),
c/ Bilbao, 220 (El chalet del Clot, Ludoteca) 08018 Barcelona, SPAIN. Their website is at

The above newsletter has Meccano news from southern Spain.

Melbourne Meccano Club, has Meccano news from Melbourne, Australia.

Their website is at

Meccano Club of South Africa (MECCSA)

In May 2012 this new club was formed as an amalgamtion of both the Transvaal Meccano Guild and the Johannesburg Meccano Hobbyists. They feature Meccano news from all areas of South Africa. Their website is at:

The two older websites are still available, but are no longer updated:

Meccano Magazine, formerly sponsored by Meccano Ltd., is no longer published.


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Copyright 1996-2025 by David Williams.